"Consultative Selling" in a squirrel way.

Published in Sales on Sep 25, 2023

Back to our squirrel friend, we meet again in the whimsical woodland. This time, let’s explore the realm of consultative selling amidst a canopy of concerns regarding forest fire safety. Our furry friend, Squibbles the squirrel, lives high up in the branches, a prime spot for a panoramic view but perilously close to the fiery fury should a blaze blaze through.

Here's how the consultative selling adventure unfolds:

1. Research & Prequalification:
Before swaying into the woodland, we leaf through the local bark newspaper and twig-twitter to understand who's scurrying worried about forest fires. Squibbles, with his sky-high abode, is at a twig's end over the threat.

2. Build Rapport:
We scuttle up the trunk and sit beside Squibbles, sharing a nut as we overlook the sprawling leafscape.

“Quite the view, but I hear the flame fear is flickering in your fur, huh?”

3. Needs Discovery:
Taking a nibble, we nudge into the nitty-gritty.

“How have you been planning to skedaddle should a spark spark a spree?”

4. Active Listening:
Squibbles squeaks about his sleepless nights, the sight of smoky skies in his squirrel dreams scaring him silly.

5. Offer Solution:
“What if I told you we have a squirrel-safe escape slide? A snazzy shoot to scoot you to safety, swift and sound.”

6. Engage in Dialogue:
Squibbles squints skeptically.

“Will it withstand the whisk of wild winds?”

“Wind-whooshing worthy and fireproof to a fault,” we affirm.

7. Educate:
We unveil a miniature model of the escape slide, demonstrating its durability, ease of installation, and quick-release mechanism. We tell tales of satisfied skunks and chipper chipmunks who've chalked up their chute.

8. Close:

Squibbles, now seeing a solution to his smoky sorrows, decides to snag a slide. We seal the deal with a handshake and a hazelnut.

Through a consultative cavort, we didn’t just pitch a product; we pranced into the squirrel’s predicament, provided a precise plan, and propelled peace into his perch. Now Squibbles can snooze sans smog-stress, all thanks to a consultative caper amidst the conifers!